Health: Early in my life with dogs, Mother Nature sent a few difficult learning experiences about canine health my way. As a consequence, I developed a strong interest in learning how to reduce and mitigate the risk of poor health outcomes in my breeding program. This remains a life-long study and a key priority for me.
Performance: For many years in Australia, there was no Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) recognised dog sport for Salukis. Open field coursing is also illegal in Australia. In 2015, the ANKC recognised lure coursing as a sanctioned sport. I was involved in the recognition process and have been involved in the sport since. While understanding lure coursing’s limitations, I value the opportunities it provides to test temperament, instinct, mental resilience and physical soundness. Dogs in my breeding program are also Endurance titled, where possible.
Conservation: The Saluki is an ancient land race breed, and it is important to me to aim to conserve the Saluki, and its unique characteristics. Many dogs, mixed and pure bred, successfully hunt rabbits and hare. Many breeds win prizes at dog shows. There is more to the Saluki than its ability to catch a hare, and more to the Saluki than its ability to win a ribbon. I am not dismissing the importance of the field or the show ring, but these are not the only yardsticks against which a Saluki is measured as a Saluki.